Tuesday, January 18, 2011

This village is situated in the village of Magelang Jumoyo gempol kalurahan, I have a lot of relatives here. Grandfather's house was also a village with gempol. Villages that never affected by smoothing in the next 20 years appears to have been replaced with a sea of sand due to cold Lahar trim.

When I was there yesterday, when the rain is gone down or trim the area had rain guessed by looking at the north (direction top trim), When the trim is dark then the current look-magelang jogja - semarang going on divert towards ngluwar, because it can diapastikan lava will dingn This road master

We hope that the disaster that wiped out the eruption yesterday we salak garden and additional tests will raise the strength of our faith, because the material is expected to be brought cold lava is only about 10% of the eruption yesterday..

disaster cold lava of Merapi in Magelang District of Indonesia

disaster cold lava of Merapi in Magelang District of Indonesia

disaster cold lava of Merapi in Magelang District of Indonesia

disaster cold lava of Merapi in Magelang District of Indonesia

disaster cold lava of Merapi in Magelang District of Indonesia

disaster cold lava of Merapi in Magelang District of Indonesia

disaster cold lava of Merapi in Magelang District of Indonesia

disaster cold lava of Merapi in Magelang District of Indonesia

disaster cold lava of Merapi in Magelang District of Indonesia

disaster cold lava of Merapi in Magelang District of Indonesia

disaster cold lava of Merapi in Magelang District of Indonesia

disaster cold lava of Merapi in Magelang District of Indonesia

disaster cold lava of Merapi in Magelang District of Indonesia

disaster cold lava of Merapi in Magelang District of Indonesia

disaster cold lava of Merapi in Magelang District of Indonesia

disaster cold lava of Merapi in Magelang District of Indonesia

disaster cold lava of Merapi in Magelang District of Indonesia

disaster cold lava of Merapi in Magelang District of Indonesia

disaster cold lava of Merapi in Magelang District of Indonesia

disaster cold lava of Merapi in Magelang District of Indonesia
Kawasan Gempol dilihat dari atas
disaster cold lava of Merapi in Magelang District of Indonesia

disaster cold lava of Merapi in Magelang District of Indonesia
These photos were taken by the Editor and Photographer Magelang Daily Photo. Copyright is in the hands Contributor Magelang Daily Photo. And for those of you who want to use these photos, please ask permission first to the relevant Contributor

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